Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Halloween 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Kolt's 1st Birthday!
I cannot believe my little Kolt is 1! I feel like we just brought him home from the hospital a few months ago. He had a great birthday and loved every minute of it. Everyone came over to our house for some yummy cake and presents. Kolt was pretty laid back about everything. Just smiling, like always. For those of you who have not spent much time around Kolt, he is almost always smiling and laughing. He does have his moments, but for the most part, this kid is just happy to be alive!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Super Kelton's 4th Birthday!!!
I cannot believe my baby is 4 years old! It seems like we just brought him home from the hospital a few months ago and yet it's hard to remember how life was before he came along! What a joy he has been. This kid is so funny & entertaining. Now, I have always been a pretty happy & jolly person, but this kid has me laughing so hard everyday that I wonder if he's gonna be a stand up comedian. And boy-hidey, does he love to ham it up & be the center of attention?!?! Not sure where he gets that from! This year he decided he wanted a super hero birthday party. He refers to himself as "Super-Kelton" so we thought it would be an appropriate birthday theme. We had it out at Mamasue & Big Daddy's house so we could swim, but the swimming only lasted 15 minutes since it decided to rain.We still had a blast. James' grandmother, Nanny,
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Entertaining Kolt
I mixed a couple of drops of blue food coloring with some Cool Whip & put it on Kolt's highchair tray. He had so much fun & was fully entertained for a good 20 minutes, just banging away on his tray & squishing the cool whip between his fingers. Messy, but entertaining!
Justin spent the night with us this past weekend. You would not believe how many pictures were taken to capture just one picture of all 3 boys smiling (even if Kolt still has peaches from breakfast on his nose). Justin is our 7 year old nephew, but he could pass for one of my boys. He has blonde, curly hair just like Kelton. We went out to my parents on Saturday. Ty, my sisters boyfriend, breaks & trains cutting horses for a living. This really impresses Kelton, so he decided he was gonna be a "cowboy" like Ty & ride Sway. I offered to ride with him, but I wanted to ride with Aubin instead. Whatever. Sway is such an old, gentle horse. No saddle or bit required. I cannot figure out why this is blue, much less why it is underlined?!?!?
MAY 2009
Wow, I cannot believe May is already over. I guess with a 3 year old and an 8 month old, every month flies by. Kelton had his end of the year program for Mothers Day Out & it was really cute. He actually sang this year. Last year he was like a deer in headlights. James' dad passed away very unexpectedly from an aneurysm on May 24th in Albuquerque, New Mexico. As you can imagine, we were all in total shock. We spent 5 days in Albuquerque & Roswell with everyone, which was nice, though we wish it had been under different circumstances. Still, it was good to spend time with everyone. James has always and continues to amaze me with his maturity & wisdom when it comes to dealing with difficult situations. He is truly one of the strongest people I know. He gets that from his mama. This May has been very bittersweet for us. Keith's death has made all of us extra grateful for all of our friends and family and the blessings that they are to us.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Kolt at 7 months
We went to the doctor last Thursday & Kolt now weighs 23 pounds (95th percentile) & he is 27.5 inches (90th percentile). The doctor guessed he would be at least 6' 4" by the time he's finished growing. Who knows? Anyway, he has lots of cute chub that I cannot seem to kiss enough. He now loves to eat graham crackers & he loves most veggies & all fruits. I would like to think that will keep up, but I won't hold my breath. Ever since the middle of March, Kolt has forgotten how to sleep. Seriuosly, no matter what we did, he would wake up around 1:00 am & be wide awake and many nights, would not go back down until 5:00 or 6:00. James & I felt like we had a newborn again. We let him "cry it out" several times, which would usually be about 2 hours of him crying in his crib & me crying on the couch. We were losing our minds. Took him to the doctor for his check up & he got 5 shots. He has pretty much slept through the night ever since. Go figure. He ran fever for several days after that & felt lousy. Hopefully, he's back in the habit of sleeping on a better schedule. James is wondering if we can ask for vaccinations on demand.
Mr. Personality
Kelton won't really cooperate for pictures right now. He always says "I'm too busy to take a picture". Most of my pics of Kelton are either of him hamming it up or pictures he has no idea are being taken. I feel like these capture little Kelton & his big personality.
P.S. He loves to be naked right now. I cannot keep clothes on him. We always start out with clothes on, but he strips down & streaks everywhere. Wearing nothing but his rain boots, he likes to have Lyla chase him around the back yard!
Easter 2009
We spent Easter out in the country at my parents house. Actually, we always eat lunch at my sisters house & then mosey on next door to my parents for some Easter egg hunting & to watch the Masters. As always we had lots of fun, complete with 15 adults & 10 children. I have a big family. It's always loud & crazy, but I wouldn't trade it for anything!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
My Kelton
People are always telling me that Kelton is the most energetic child around. Really, I never noticed! He has ALWAYS been this full of energy. Even in utero. I never once had to stop & count baby kicks to make sure he was okay in there. He is such a fun kiddo. He is very curious & loves getting into things, which is exactly how I was growing up. And this kid is as STRONG WILLED as they come. (I've also been informed that I too was strong willed... imagine that). He loves to sing & dance and entertains us with his BIG personality! Here are a couple of things that I especially adore about Kelton at this age:
1. I love the way he talks!
"up-stayers, thay-er & hay-er" (upstairs, there & hair)
"Wobby, Wia & Sweet Gwill" (Robby, Ria & Sweet Girl)
"Koat" (Kolt), etc. I could go on forever just listing words
that he says incorrectly, yet are so cute!
2. He is borderline obsessed with Scooby Doo!
He is constantly saying things like "zoinks, jinkies, come
on gang, After them!" One day he tried to pull the
"mask" off of my face & then replied "Aha! Just as I
suspected". He also likes to pretend that he's Velma
& get on all fours, & pretend he's looking for his glasses
while saying "my gwassws, I can't see without my
3. I love how sweet he is!
This child tells me at least 15 times a day, "I love you
Mama" & he is such a sweet big brother. Every time
Kolt wakes up from a nap, Kelton says "Good morning
4. I love his sayings!
He refers to his private parts as his "tail & tenders"!
He always refers to his cousins/friends as "my kids"
or "my guys". Everyone is "my" fill in the blank.
"My Mamasue", "My Aubie", "My Justin". etc.
Kolt at 6 months
Not much different to report since last month. He's busy turning over constantly. He now sits in a tripod position, but falls over pretty easily. He weighs 21 pounds now & has outgrown his infant seat. He is still the happiest baby around & he just laughs & coos a lot! He really only cries when he's sleepy. He's so awesome!
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